Saturday, January 10, 2009

isolation between web 2.0 techonologies

the problem i got is chart wont' work well in tab view when using gwt-ext. after some painful searching, found out gwt-ext actually use ext engine to deal with yui' chart library. yui already admit it's a bug but claim it's fixed in release 2.6.0. the yui library version used by gwt-ext is 2.4.1. that's the problem. tried to copy the 2.6.0 version of chart files from yui to gwt-ext wont' work. then notice gwt-ext only support ext 2.0.2 because of the license issue. went to ext js website and download the version 2.2 but found out it still use yui 2.4.1 version...there is no freeking way to fix that get rid of it in gwt-ext then......

have to admit web 2.0 has a cool concept, but just the techonologies to support web2.0 are all on their isolated island, wont' talk to each other friendly...maybe the best way is back to javascript+php.....

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