Tuesday, January 6, 2009


there are three ways to get data from mysql in gwt-ext:

1. requestion JSON using HTTP

2. gwt-RPC, which you have create bouch of code, which looks so weird and ugly to me, to connect to MySQL server, create SQL query and return the data to gwt-ext to populat whatever widget you want;

3. use php file, let php go connect to MySQL and return JSON data(or xml data).

obviously 3 is way more simpler and cleaner, but hard to get it work in gwt-ext. tried to put the php file in 'public/data' folder, and in java code, call the following:
new HttpProxy("data/getData.php");

it return php file itself instead of JSON data.... maybe should try the following:

new HttpProxy("data/getData.php", Connection.GET)


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