Thursday, October 22, 2009


have heard Zend for so long, and finally sit down to play around, here are some impression:

once installed, you can see the packages come with Zend: apache2, MySQL51, phpMyAdmin, ZendServer
  • so basically, it bundle apache, MySQL and phpMyAdmin together for you, then plus their own development, ZendServer. then they charge you for it!  but apache, MySQL and phpMyAdmin all comes free. what if i need more tools, say MySQLQueryBrowser? i still have to install it on my own?
  • also noticed that the php version is 5.2.10, but the latest version is 5.2.11. here is the quota from Zend server community edition's online help:                                                                                               If your PHP application is business-critical, you probably want to make sure that your PHP runtime environment is up to date. Zend Server Updater ensures that you have the latest versions of  PHP, Zend Server Components and Extensions. This feature is available only in the commercial version of Zend Server.                                                                                                  ...i think i know download PHP, just click the button.
  • before install zend server, i already have apache installed, but now it's paused,  in Apache Service Monitor  i can see Apache2.2-Zend is running instead. also instead of the latest PHP 5.2.11 installed on c:\PHP, it used PHP in its own folder   c:\Program Files\Zend\Server\bin. it doesn't even provide an option allow people to download PHP manually and point Zend to that php folder.                                  
  • one more thought, what if i want to use other webserver or other database, Zend would then get stuck.                                 

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